Dr Nancy Knows Daniel Hewson

“The first time people notice something is up with their hearing is usually the inability to understand what others are saying.” shares Daniel Hewson.

As a hearing aid wearer since 1977, Daniel understands the challenges, fears and objections that many people have before addressing their hearing challenges.

Healing loss impacts not just hearing words, it can be related to underlying challenges like staying home or withdrawal that often occur. Individual start loosing hearing at late 40’s and early 50’s. The surgeon general recommends starting to get your hearing checked regularly starting at age 50. Just like tuning up your car or seeing your doctor annually, checking your hearing is helpful to your overall wellness.

We test hearing with speech and noise. We look if the hearing loss is an auditory processing issue or if it’s central auditory processing issue. It helps us to understand if it’s brain fog or truly your physical hearing.

Millions of people suffer with ringing in the ear. We can figure where within the ear it’s coming from and even masking out the specific frequencies. Vertigo, patients who have suffered for years, are treated and improved or even have vertigo fully addressed.

At Ascent Audiology we are passionate to help people live their best life well and improve the way the brain processes what you hear. With clinics in Glendale, Surprise, and Goodyear, you’re never far away from a team of hearing experts. With same day appointments and complimentary cookies, coffee, and lemonade, your visit will always feel like home.

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