Dr Nancy Knows Cherian Jacobs of Ask CareGenie

Peace of mind and reimagined Senior Care support through voice automation.

Arming Seniors with natural language statements via internet enabled devices supports their freedom and families peace of mind. With CareGenie, loved ones can ask “CareGenie, may I have some water?” and it confirms the request and alerts the appropriate staff in residential living. From simple requests to “I need help”, requests are giving priority and routed to the right facility or emergency provider.

Cherian’s own father lives in India and he sometimes needed to contact neighbors to check in on him in the past. This need got him thinking about Seniors living independently from family and a need to mutually know they are being heard to receive needs or checked in on directly with greater ease. The senior father can say “CareGenie, call my son” and through the voice activated service, using smart speaker such as Amazon Echo or Google Home, daily life gets easier.

Hear Cherian’s story and about the development of CareGenie, Voice of Care services at Clifint, LLC where Cherian serves as the Founding Chief Technology Officer and CEO.

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