Dr Nancy Knows Brenda Combs

Brenda grew up in a middle-class family, but fell into a bad crowd, began using drugs and dropped out of school.

During her darkest days on the streets, she endured unspeakable trauma, including being beaten, shot, stabbed, raped and burned with cigarettes.  It took hitting rock bottom for Brenda to find the strength to turn her life around, praying and seeking forgiveness and help.

Brenda set her sights on education.  As a single mother of her son, Mycole, who suffered a massive stroke at birth, she juggled three jobs while earning her B.S., M.Ed, and Ed.D.

Lifting Others Up

 As an overcomer, Brenda’s life work focuses on empowering others. As an author, publisher, Event Speaker and Theatre Group Producer she provides opportunity for others to find their voice. Dr Brenda has founded MTB. MTB is a drug and alcohol-free living environment for women. Our purpose is to Make Things Better for each man and woman who enters our home. We provide shoes, food, care items and resources to homeless brothers and sisters.

Dr Brenda Combs Awards & Recognition

  • Title 1 National Education Conference- Keynote speaker February 2018
  • Athena Leadership Award Athena Valley of the Sun April 2017
  • Maricopa County Homeless Court Award Recipient 2016
  • NBC Universal Grio Top 100 2012
  • Martin Luther King Stand Up for Justice Award 2009
  • Stand Up for Education University of Phoenix 2008
  • Distinguished Teacher Award Grand Canyon University 2007
  • Letter of recognition from Laura Bush 2007
  • Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 2006, 2007
  • National Dean’s List- 2004
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