Dr Nancy Knows Lloyd Hopkins

The Million Dollar Teacher Project’s vision is to create a world where every student is taught by a highly trained, qualified, understanding and engaged teacher.

The Million Dollar Teacher Project was established October 2016 as a mechanism to strengthen schools in Arizona.  The work of the organization revolves around the principle that the most cost-effective and sustainable way to improve schools is to direct more resources and support directly to the teaching profession so schools have the ability to attract great talent in to every classroom.  The mission of MDTP is to elevate the teaching profession through increased recognition, compensation and support. 

Recognition is creatively provided with partnering businesses and student led initiatives to tangibly inspire teachers. From bringing catered lunches for teachers to schools, podcast and radio recognition along with student activities such as Door Decorating and Pass the Apple Scavenger Hunt, teachers feel their occupation being celebrated through the Million Dollar Teacher Project.

Compensation programs support innovative strategies offering educational scholarships, field trip grants and emergency assistance to teachers experiencing hardships.

Support programs include providing teachers with dream big things they desire for their classrooms as well as placing qualified support such as technology specialists, assistants and specialists to improve teacher morale and student performance.

MDTP is a charitable 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization aimed at increasing support for teachers inside and outside of the classroom, raising the profile of highly effective teachers.

Meet Lloyd

Lloyd Hopkins is an organizational leader with extensive experience in community and nonprofit work. He has worked in and around education for 18 years. He graduated from Arizona State University with his degree in Nonprofit Management and Leadership and took his passion for ensuring quality education for all to launch the teacher recruitment and retention program, Million Dollar Teacher Project.

In addition to being a Founder and Executive Director he is also an entrepreneur and philanthropist. As a philanthropist he has been a member of Real Engagement through Active Philanthropy (R.E.A.P), which is a fund under the Arizona Community Foundation that supports programs making positive impacts on African-American Youth, for 5 years and the Chairman for 2.

He has also led or participated in taskforce with Achieve60AZ and the Department of Education on improving attainment for the African American community in Arizona. For his efforts he was recently a finalist for the Phoenix Center of the Arts Mayor’s Arts Awards for his Million Dollar Teacher Tree program and was honored by the East Valley NAACP with the Malala Yousafzai Equity in Education Award. He is also an alum of Valley Leadership’s Class 40.

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